ISAC has made a submission to the Minister of Finance. Informed by ongoing consultation with our community partners on issues relevant to our mandate, our submission includes recommendations on: Investing in Justice for Workers: •…
In a typical year, provincial budget season lasts from January to early Spring, and includes pre-budget and budget submission periods, meetings, and hearings. ISAC’s Senior Policy Analyst Devorah Kobluk was invited to present to Minister…
Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, submissions to the Minister of Finance were delayed until the Fall 2020 Budget consultations. Our submission to the Ontario’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs in…
** Français ci-dessous ** Time for Justice: Have your say on Ontario’s 2020 Budget Ontario’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs is conducting Pre-Budget Consultations. ISAC appeared at the Standing Committee’s hearings and provided a . Informed by ongoing…
ISAC was advised this morning that our budget will be cut by 25% over the next two years. We have been directed to de-prioritize law reform and community development work. This cut is a direct…
– Massive Cuts to Legal Aid Funding Also Announced – The 2019/2020 Ontario Budget was announced today, and creates even more uncertainty for people who receive benefits from the Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability…
The provincial government has asked for input into the upcoming 2019 provincial Budget. There are currently two pre-budget consultation processes that you can plug into: The Ontario Legislature’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs is…
Important First Steps to Transformation but No Meaningful Progress on Rates The 2018 Ontario Budget introduced today proposes to make a number of critically important changes to social assistance and other benefit systems, which would…
– la version française suit dessous – It’s pre-Budget time in Ontario. As we noted recently, now’s the time to tell the Government and the Opposition parties that they must take bold steps on income security in…
– la version française suit dessous – ISAC has completed a second submission to Ontario’s 2017-18 Budget public consultation process. Our first submission focused on investments that are required in social assistance. This submission makes…
– la version française suit dessous – ISAC recently spoke to the Ontario Legislature’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, to support the call from the Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition (ISARC) to invest…
Ontario’s 2016 Budget makes some significant commitments to social assistance reform as well as changes in other areas that will impact low-income Ontarians, including those on Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program…