After our coalition of more than 27 community-based organizations in Ontario wrote to the government urging more funding for housing and homelessness prevention programs this past November, we’re pleased to report that 2014 Budget includes…
Communities across Ontario need more funds for housing and homelessness supports Right now, local and regional municipalities across Ontario are planning their budgets for 2014. One of the issues they’re debating is how to respond…
ISAC has partnered with the Wellesley Institute to create an online tool to track the impact on individuals across Ontario of the loss of the Community Start-Up and Maintenance Benefit (CSUMB). The tool allows for the collection of information about individuals’ circumstances, what expenses were required, the availability and adequacy of municipal replacement programs, and the outcomes and impacts. A geographic mapping function will show the impacts graphically.
On December 27, 2012, the provincial government announced $42 million in one-time funding for local housing and homelessness initiatives. The announcement says that the money “will assist eligible municipalities as they develop and implement their Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) plans. Funds will be allocated to meet the needs of the most vulnerable Ontarians – including social assistance recipients – to ensure their stability through this period of transition as plans are developed.” The funds will be provided to municipalities for the period January 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014. What does this announcement mean?
This page provides links to a number of documents and pieces of information about CSUMB, the transfer of partial CSUMB funding to municipalities, the creation of local housing and homelessness plans, and the struggle to reinstate this benefit within social assistance.
The provincial government’s decision to eliminate the Community Start-Up and Maintenance Benefit (CSUMB) will have negative impacts – not only on housing, but also on people’s health. The Wellesley Institute and ISAC – along with ACTO, the AOHC, Street Health, and the Peterborough County-City Health Unit – have partnered to produce a new report, “The Real Cost of Cutting the Community Start-Up and Maintenance Benefit: A Health Equity Impact Assessment.” The report calls on the provincial government to halt the planned elimination of CSUMB and reinstate the $67 million in funding.
As has been the case every year for the last three years, the provincial government is applying a 1% increase to social assistance rates starting in November / December 2012. And, as we do every…
On Friday, Sept. 28th take 5 minutes to tell your MPP to reverse the cuts to housing benefits for people on OW and ODSP! Every month, thousands of people in Ontario need the Community Start-up and…
The 2012 provincial budget has eliminated two critically important programs for people on Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program. The Community Start-up and Maintenance Benefit is being cut. The Community Start-up and Maintenance Benefit…
The Ontario budget will have a large negative impact on people on Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). Direct benefits to people on OW and ODSP are being cut by the…