As of July 2024, Ontario Works (OW) sees no increase or inflation-based adjustment. For the sixth year and counting, OW rates have remained the same despite the ongoing impacts of high inflation on the cost of living. In this context, no increase in the rates essentially translates to a reduction in rates for recipients.
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) recipients will see an increase of 4.5% in core ODSP rates due to inflation-based adjustment from July 2024. Families with children will also see a similar inflation-related increase in their monthly Ontario Child Benefit (OCB) amounts – of around $6 per month per child.
Download our updated social assistance rates sheet for more info:
Click here for English PDF version
Click here for English Word doc version (automatic download will start)
La version française PDF est ici.
La version française Word est ici (Ce document sera téléchargé automatiquement)
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