Dear Friends of ISAC,
Our allies at the Fight for $15 & Fairness recently shared the important information in the email below about the struggle to improve conditions for all Ontario workers.
Lots of important advances have been made, but the fight’s not over yet. The business lobby has been successful at sowing doubt about the $15 minimum wage and other important changes to labour legislation. We all have to keep up the pressure on government to do the right thing.
Take action in your community and get involved!
Dear Friends,
It’s been an incredible summer! Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, was sent to committee where consultations took place over ten days in ten different cities. Every step of the way, the Fight for $15 & Fairness had a strong showing.
Meanwhile, actions are still unfolding every week in communities across Ontario (click here or scroll below to see the list of upcoming events). This momentum explains why the government has been moving on our demands and why the Ontario New Democratic Party has stepped up to strengthen the Bill with many of the amendments our movement has been calling for.
NDP announces amendments to strengthen Bill 148
The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs will be considering amendments to Bill 148 from August 21 to 25. In anticipation of this process, the ONDP promised to introduce amendments that would: eliminate the sub-minimum wage rates for students under the age of 18 and liquor servers; implement an extra week of paid vacation for workers after one year of service (instead of after five years, as the Bill is presently worded); increase the number of paid personal emergency leave days from the Bill’s current proposal of two (2) to five (5); and include dependent contractors in the definition of employee under Employment Standards Act. Although not everything we have asked for, these changes would be welcome steps forward.
Recently, NDP MPP Jagmeet Singh issued a statement calling for much stronger protections for temporary agency workers, for an end to perms-temping, and for greater regulation of temporary agencies. We look forward to the Ontario NDP formalizing these proposals via the amendment process. Click here to read Singh’s letter to Kathleen Wynne, calling for temp agency workers to be converted to permanent employees after three (3) months; for strong equal pay and benefits language in the Bill; and for limits on the proportion of the workforce that can be hired through temporary agencies. These demands echo our Fight for $15 and Fairness demands and would go a long way in curbing insecure work.
Buckle up for the Big Business backlash!
The success of our movement is threatening to corporations that profit from low-wage, precarious work and we need to prepare ourselves to counter the Big Business backlash. In other jurisdictions where minimum wage increases have been won, business lobbyists issued headline grabbing — but false — reports intended to undermine support for decent work and wages. We have heard that the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and its allies will be releasing an “economic impact” statement this week and we can expect a repetition of many of the same outlandish predictions made elsewhere.
For example, when, in September 2016, the Alberta government began to phase-in a $15 minimum wage and eliminate the sub-minimum wage rate for liquor servers, business and industry lobbyists were quick to predict devastating economic consequences, especially for the services sector.
Yet such predictions failed to materialize. Indeed, the Parkland Institute published this rebuke of the outrageous claims made by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business: “[The CFIB] made the bold prediction that the government of Alberta’s $15 per hour pledge would cost the province between 53,500 and 195,000 jobs. In other words, the CFIB believes that almost half of the 350,500 Alberta workers currently making less than $15 an hour could lose their jobs. This is simply not credible.”
As it turned out, Alberta’s Treasury Board and Finance Department could report that, despite the recession caused by the drop in oil prices: “The service‑producing sector has seen consistent gains throughout the downturn, with employment now 37,800 higher than in June 2016. … [And more generally] full‑time positions have accounted for all of the recovery in employment since it bottomed out in July 2016.” On the question of youth and student unemployment, a recent news report shows that Alberta’s student employment rate has actually improved since the government began raising the minimum wage: “Despite categorical fluctuations, there was a 14.4 per cent increase in student jobs over last year — an increase of 16,323 jobs province wide.”
Because the 1% own and control the mainstream media, we can’t rely on newspaper and television stories to get the word out. The battle of interpretation will have to be won in our workplaces, campuses, and neighbourhoods. That’s why we need your participation now more than ever! We know the majority supports $15 & Fairness, but we need to organize this sentiment so that no elected official can ignore us. For background information, downloadable leaflets and factsheets, click here.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Join one near you!
There are numerous actions and events being organized across Ontario! If you don’t see an action in your area, let us know how we can help you get one going!
Tuesday, August 15
Toronto-Wide Organizing Meeting
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM | 720 Spadina Ave, Suite 223 | Click here for a map
Come to the next city-wide Fight for $15 and Fairness organizing meeting! Together, we have managed to force important labour law reforms onto the table. Unfortunately, big business lobbyists oppose these changes and will be launching a multi-million dollar campaign to stop our decent work movement. Let`s re-double our efforts to strengthen and defend Bill 148: the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017. Please RSVP so we know how many snacks to provide.
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Grupo de hablantes en Español / Spanish Speakers Caucus
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM | 720 Spadina Ave, Suite 223 | Click here for a map
Quieres ser parte del cambio en PRO de tus Derechos Laborales? En Ontario hace varios años trabajadorxs como tu y como yo, venimos organizandonos para exigir no solo un salario digno, si no tambien condiciones de trabajo justas.Tu participan es muy importante! Are you a Spanish speaker? Join the caucus to help plan outreach actions within the Spanish speaking community.
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Wednesday, August 16
Tabling at the Taste of Regent Park
5:00 PM – 8:00 AM | 620 Dundas Street East | Click for map
Every week during the summer the Taste of Regent Park brings community members together to enjoy healthy food and an open-air movie screening. Join the Fight for $15 & Fairness Regent Park Chapter as we do outreach and talk to the festival attendees about the need for a $15 minimum wage. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the campaign and meet your neighbours.
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Thursday, August 17
Organizing Meeting
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM | 251 Bank Street 2nd Floor | Click here for a map
The Fight for $15 and Fairness Ottawa will be hosting another organizing meeting on August 17. Come help us plan out our upcoming events and organize against the business lobby backlash. We will discuss doing outreach at Labour Day and at University campuses. Everyone is welcome, this will be a great way to learn more about this growing provincial movement for decent work.
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Scarborough-Centre Canvass
4:30 PM – 7:00 PM | Tim Hortons, 2044 Lawrence East (at Warden) | Click here for map
Meet us this Thursday to talk to our neighbours about the urgent need for decent work legislation in Ontario. Scarborough-Centre is MPP Brad Duguid’s riding, who is also the Minister of Economic Development & Growth. Come out and help us get the word out: Scarborough-Centre wants MPP Brad Duguid to make sure Bill 148 is strengthened and passed. We’re meeting at Tim Hortons at 4:30 and the canvass will begin at 5:00 pm.
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Saturday, August 19
West-Toronto Outreach Blitz
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM | Bloor & Dufferin | Click here for a map
Are you ready for another fun action to talk to local residents about the urgent need for $15 & Fairness in our communities? Join us on August 19 to talk to our neighbours about what is at stake with Bill 148, and how we can continue putting pressure on our elected representatives to make sure that we win the best possible labour law reforms. We’ll have petitions, leaflets & posters ready to go. Come out, and feel free to bring a friend!
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Sunday, August 20
Tabling at Southfield Seniors Club Annual Picnic
12:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Dennison Park, Learmont Avenue | Click here for a map
Join Brampton $15 & Fairness to table at this annual picnic to let people know about what is happening with Bill 148 and the urgent need for a $15 minimum wage! The business community is doing their best to scare Ontario residents about the minimum wage increase and it’s important that we let the community know why $15 will help workers, businesses and the economy!
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Thursday, August 24
Weston Organizing Meeting
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM | 1730 Weston Rd, York | Click here for a map
The Fight for $15 & Fairness has had a great response from those in the York South and Weston neighbourhoods and we want to keep this momentum going! Join us for this discussion about how we can connect struggles for decent work with the fight against racism.
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Weston Outreach Blitz
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM | 1903 Weston Rd, York | Click here for a map
We’ll be taking the Fight for $15 and Fairness to the street at the corner of Weston Road and Lawrence Avenue West. We’ll bring the leaflets and petitions, you need only to bring yourself! Join us if you can or come on by to sign the petition and learn more about the fight for decent work in our neighbourhood!
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Tuesday, August 29
Toronto-Wide Organizing Meeting
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM | 720 Spadina Ave, Suite 223 | Click here for a map
Come to the next city-wide Fight for $15 and Fairness organizing meeting! Together, we have managed to force important labour law reforms onto the table. Unfortunately, big business lobbyists oppose these changes and will be launching a multi-million dollar campaign to stop our decent work movement. Let`s re-double our efforts to strengthen and defend Bill 148: the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017. Please RSVP so we know how many snacks to provide.
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Monday, September 4
Labour Day Actions
Mark your calendar to join a labour day parade in your community. There will be more than 40 different events taking place across the province.
Find one near you: click here.
Thursday, September 7
Community Action Against Workplace Racism
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM | 1730 Weston Rd, York | Click here for a map
Racism should have no place in our workplaces. Meet at 12:00 noon at 1730 Weston Road, for a community action to say no to racism and injustice in our workplaces.
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Wednesday, September 13
FORUM – Liveable Wages: Separating Realty from Myth
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM | 61 Charles Street, ROOM 151 on the 1st floor – UOIT’s Downtown Campus | Click here for a map
Join us for this panel discussion on why decent work and wages will strengthen our economy and create strong communities. We will discuss common misconceptions and out-dated analysis to separate myth from reality.
For more information, email:
Friday & Saturday, September 15-16
Ontario Campus Assembly – $15 & Fairness
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM | University of Toronto, Hart House & OISE
We are hosting our first Ontario-wide Campus Assembly in September. Mark your calendar and register now by clicking here. The event will be taking place at the University of Toronto and together we will discuss the next steps to ensure that every campus is a $15 and Fairness campus as we fight to win the strongest possible labour legislation. While the event will be focused on campus organizing, everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate. There will be workshops and discussions on:
– Beating the big business lobby
– Bargaining $15 and Fairness demands
– Linking decent work and public health
– Winning fairness for contract faculty
– Fighting racism & Islamophobia
– Uniting students, staff and faculty
– and more!
To register for one or both days of the assembly:
To spread the word on Facebook, click here.
Wednesday, September 27
Town Hall Meeting: Why $15 & Fairness matters to our community
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM | 1541 Jane St, North York | Click here for a map
Our movement has pressured the government to respond to our demands for decent work, and legislation has been proposed to make many important changes that will benefit all workers! Two of the three political parties are now confidently calling for higher wages and better laws. Unfortunately, the big business lobby is trying to undermine our movement by making far-fetched and false claims that decent work and wages will harm our economy. Join us for this important meeting to talk about what $15 & Fairness means for our community.
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
If you don’t see an action in your community, contact us at to find out how you can help kick start your own Fight for $15 and Fairness network.
— The Fight for $15 & Fairness Team
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Fight for $15 & Fairness
Suite 223, 720 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, ON M5S 2T9