On October 16, the Income Security Advocacy Centre (ISAC) and Niagara North Community Legal Assistance will go before the Federal Court of Appeal to argue that 102 seasonal agricultural workers were wrongly denied EI parental benefits.
These workers are an essential part of the Canadian labour force.
They plant and harvest the food that Canadians need. Many have been working in Canada for decades, spending more of their life in Canada than with their families in their home countries. And they pay in to the EI program, despite not being able to access most EI benefits.
Canada is more and more reliant on the work of temporary migrant workers. In fact, more permits are now granted for temporary workers than for permanent immigrants.
They deserve the same protections as any other workers in Canada.
Download our Bulletin below for more information:
English: Migrant Agricultural Workers - EI Parental Benefits - Bulletin - 2013
Spanish: Migrant Agricultural Workers - EI Parental Benefits - Bulletin - 2013 - Spanish
French: Migrant Agricultural Workers - EI Parental Benefits - Bulletin - 2013 - French