Top Stories:
Rob Rainer and Linda Silas, on the growing gap making Canadians sick:–rich-poor-gap-is-making-canadians-sick
Around the Province:
Funding for Toronto’s priority neighbourhoods about to dry up:–toronto-s-priority-neighbourhoods-money-to-stem-poverty-violent-crime-about-to-dry-up
Sir Michael Marmot tells Steve Paikin how economic and social inequality can affect people’s health and life expectancy:
I’ve shared this one before, but now there’s more…
- Families of people with disabilities target Duncan’s office in Windsor over funding:
- Milloy responds in a letter to the editor:
- Local activists respond to Milloy’s letter:
Thousands of laid off public sector workers face new hurdle – a redefinition of “merit”:
Teen thrown out of Conservative BBQ for asking minister about refugee health care:
Teen now wants to publicly debate minister:
The Toronto Star’s Christopher Hume on the Death of Evidence:–christopher-hume-stephen-harper-is-blind-to-science
Rick Salutin on proportional representation:–democracy-disconnect-part-2-correcting-canada-s-democratic-deficit
Special Section on Recent USA Welfare Changes:
This Memo was issued last Thursday, allowing US states (who administer welfare – the TANF program) to apply for waivers for the strict work requirement for eligibility, to test new welfare-to-work programs and reduce bureaucracy – a massive policy change:
Then, all hell breaks loose:
- Heritage Foundation starts off with this damning blog post:
- Next, we learn that the Heritage Foundation was one of the architects behind the welfare law:
- “Obama’s imperious use of executive orders and refusal to enforce the laws of the land fairly and completely is a constitutional disgrace”:
- Romney slams the move, saying “the linkage of work and welfare is essential to prevent welfare from becoming a way of life”:
- The Obama directive “bludgeons the letter and intent of the actual reform legislation”:
- Obama “has clinched the argument for the opposition”:
- Bureaucrat defends the move, saying “caseworkers are spending more time complying with federal-documentation requirements than helping parents find jobs” (sounds familiar):
- The change means “alternative plans could ‘combine learning and work’ to fulfill the work requirement, or let ‘vocational educational training or job search /readiness programs’ count as well”:
- Defence comes while under fire:
- “Welfare could become another social policy flash point between Republicans in Congress and the administration”:
- Blogger says “Quite simply, this is illegal”:
- Republican senator says “By waiving the law’s requirements, President Obama will make it harder for Americans to escape poverty”:
- Blogger says the move is an underhanded scheme to manipulate unemployment statistics:
- Welfare waiver called “horrible policy”:
- But, notes this writer, Republican states asked for the waivers:
- Nonetheless, Utah Rep. Senator slams Obama:
- Hatch says he will introduce legislation to prevent waivers:
- Some Rep. senators like it and some don’t:
- Salon blogger says, “So I dunno, I guess the Obama administration is circumventing the law to … make it slightly easier for poor people to receive assistance, which on the whole I think I approve of.”:
- And, after all that – here’s how waivers will actually strengthen US welfare reform: