On Thursday, December 9, 2021, ISAC’s Senior Policy Analyst Devorah Kobluk appeared as a witness before the Standing Committee on Finance to speak to Bill C-2, An Act to provide further support in response to COVID-19.
Major recommendations presented:
- Retroactively extend the Canada Recovery Benefit at its original $500 rate until the economy fully stabilizes and the impacts of the Omicron variant are clear;
- Exclude CERB and the CRB from the calculation of income and recalculate the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) benefits for 2020-2021 and for 2022-2023 respectively; and
- Retroactively return the lost benefits and apply the readjusted benefit amount for the duration of the 2021-2022 year.
Read the whole statement here: ISAC Remarks to the Standing Committee on Finance re Bill C-2
Lisez l’intégralité de la déclaration en cliquant ici : Observations du CASR devant le Comité permanent des finances au sujet du projet de loi C-2
Watch the committee meeting via the House of Commons’ ParlVu at this link.
Regardez la réunion du comité par l’entremise de ParlVu de la Chambre des communes en cliquant sur ce lien.