Today marks the start of the broad roll-out of the GIS lump sum back-payment.
Clients who:
-lost who faced a reduction or loss of GIS or Allowance benefits from July 2021 onwards due to receiving CRB and CERB in 2020; and,
-did not already receive their lump sum through the “early access” process done quickly through MP offices in mid-March,
should expect to see the lump sum either deposited into their accounts, or mailed out in the form of a cheque, starting today. It may take a week or two to receive these funds depending on delivery method.
Official government press release on the issue is here:
Important things to note:
-This lump sum is considered non-taxable and non-reportable for CRA purposes (meaning recipients will not receive a T4 and likely will not have to include it in their tax returns. However, it is always a good idea to check with a tax professional or the CRA with respect to individual circumstances). Other reporting requirements may apply (i.e. social assistance, RGI housing, etc.)
-This lump sum does not replace reduced GIS/Allowance cheques for April – June 2022. If you received a reduced amount last month, you will continue to receive that amount until regular GIS benefit rates are recalculated in the summer as per the usual process.
-Some recipients of this lump sum are currently in receipt of social assistance (either due to household composition and/or rapid reinstatement). If you are in this situation, get in touch with your local clinic for more information.
-This GIS lump sum back-payment is unrelated to any other CERB-related issue. Some people mistakenly received CERB which they are now being asked to repay. These are separate issues. If you are supposed to receive the GIS lump sum and you are currently engaged in a CERB repayment plan, it is likely best to continue to follow the repayment plan. If you are not sure, check in with your clinic worker.
-This lump sum payment is supposed to be automatic, so if you haven’t received this lump sum by the end of the month, you may want to call Service Canada to find out what is going on.
-If you have questions about any of this, contact your local clinic.