Many people in Ontario agree that Ontario Works needs to be fixed. One of the ways it could be fixed is to give people more help to get a job, so they can get out of poverty and the trap of social isolation.
Some people call this fix ‘opportunity planning’. Others call it ‘human capital development’, or a ‘personalized approach’ with ‘wrap-around services’.
But what do these words mean? What are the pros and cons of ‘opportunity planning’? Are there models for how it might work? And how would it work given the kinds of jobs available now? What policies would the government have to change? And what does this mean for people from disproportionately disadvantaged groups?
A full-day symposium was hosted by ISAC and the Ontario community legal clinic system’s Social Assistance Action Committee (SAAC) in March 2011 to explore these issues.
We videotaped the presentations that were made at the symposium – click on the links below to access the various presentations as well as the question and answer sessions.
Welcome: Transforming OW and “Opportunity Planning”
- Mary Marrone, Director of Advocacy and Legal Services, ISAC
- Melodie Mayson, Co-Director, Neighbourhood Legal Services
Intro from Michael Thiessen on Vimeo.
Panel 1: The New World of Work: Labour Market Trends in Toronto and Ontario
Moderator: Naomi Ives, Parkdale Community Legal Services
- Tom Zizys, Independent Researcher
- Karen Charnow Lior, Toronto Workforce Innovation Group
- Sheila Block, Wellesley Institute
4-Tom_Zizys from Michael Thiessen on Vimeo.
2_Karen_Charnow_Lior from Michael Thiessen on Vimeo.
3-Sheila_Block from Michael Thiessen on Vimeo.
Question and Answer Period
5-Q&A from Michael Thiessen on Vimeo.
Panel 2: Opportunity Planning: The Big Picture
Moderator: Mary Marrone, Income Security Advocacy Centre
- Andrew Mitchell, Social Assistance in the New Economy project
- Allison Bramwell, Munk School of Global Affairs
6-Andrew_Mitchell from Michael Thiessen on Vimeo.
7-Alison_Bramwell from Michael Thiessen on Vimeo.
Panel 3: Opportunity Planning: On the Ground
Moderator: Melodie Mayson, Neighbourhood Legal Services
- Josie Di Zio, COSTI
- Steve Johnston, Dixon Hall
- Douglas Bartholomew-Saunders, OMSSA
- Karen Wilson, Toronto Employment and Social Services
9-Josie_Di_Zio from Michael Thiessen on Vimeo.
10-Steve_Johnston from Michael Thiessen on Vimeo.
8 – Karen Wilson from Michael Thiessen on Vimeo.
Wrap Up: Question and Answer and Next Steps
12-Q_&_A_and _ending from Michael Thiessen on Vimeo.