ISAC’s primary goal is to advance the systemic interests and rights of low-income Ontarians around income security programs and low-wage precarious employment. To reach our goals, we engage in various strategies: litigation, law and policy reform, community development/organizing, and advocacy.
We work very closely with many like-minded community groups and organizations, especially the network of community legal clinics that exist throughout the province of Ontario. These local community legal clinics provide casework and other legal assistance to eligible residents in their geographic communities.
Much of our work involves pressing for change at the political level – convincing decision-makers about the need for reform at the municipal, provincial and even federal level.
Why does ISAC need members?
ISAC is governed by a board made up of people from the communities we serve as well as representatives from the community legal clinic system. Members play a number of important roles, including electing the Board of Directors, providing input on and supporting the direction of the work ISAC undertakes.
Who should become a member?
ISAC welcomes the participation of individuals and organizations who share our goals and objectives and who are interested in advancing our common message within their own communities and with our elected officials. Together, our common voices are strong.
Past members have been connected to organizations from across the province, and have been involved with anti-poverty work, gender justice work, disability justice work, worker organizing, faith-based organizing, and anti-racism work.
Why become a member of ISAC?
- Find out about the work that ISAC is doing, and work that other like-minded advocates are engaging in
- Expand your network through meeting with and hearing from individuals and organizations that believe in advancing the interests and rights of low income Ontarians
- Take an active role in supporting the work of the community legal clinic system in Ontario
As a member you will:
- Receive updates on clinic activities and initiatives
- Have voting privileges at membership meetings
- Have the right to stand for election to ISAC’s volunteer Board of Directors
ISAC membership is free and needs to be renewed annually. The membership meets annually during AGM (typically in September), and you can expect quarterly communications.
For additional information, please refer to ISAC’s Membership Policy (PDF) and Mission/Vision statement.
Membership application can be submitted by using our online form on our Members page here, by email to, by fax at 416-597-5821, or by mail to 1500-55 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5J 2H7.